WSP: Gunshot victim found in cab near Tukwila

TUKWILA, Washington — Police found a gunshot victim in a cab on State Route 518 on Thursday afternoon after an altercation between two men.

Two men confronted each other at the Homestead Studio and Suites hotel in Tukwila and one was shot, the Tukwila Police Department said. The shooter fled on foot, and the victim got into a cab.

The victim was in the cab on the way to Harborview Medical Center and then turned around, though police said they aren't sure why. Police pulled the cab over on SR 518 at 51st Avenue South and called for medics.

The gunman is still on the loose, and police said the victim isn't talking.

Police told KIRO 7's Alison Grande that the victim's wound was superficial.

We will udpate this story as more information becomes available.