What's a Mobile Tweetup?

KIRO 7 hosted the first Mobile Tweetup in December 2010 in an effort to try to boost donations to the station's annual Toys for Tots campaign. The result was an overwhelming success and Mobile Tweetup has been resurrected several times since to benefit causes such as the Moyer Foundation's Catch a Cure for Cancer and Northwest Harvest's Baby Days.

Since the concept of a Mobile Tweetup is relatively new, we thought we'd put together this handy FAQ guide to explain how it all works.

What is a Mobile Tweetup?

The concept is simple: Tweetups traditionally bring Twitter users together in a single spot (meetup + Twitter = Tweetup). During a Mobile Tweetup, we bring the Tweetup to you. Donation stations are set up in advance of the Tweetup to collect for whichever cause the Tweetup is supporting. On the day of the Tweetup, the Mobile Tweetup Team and a crew of sponsors and supporters drive around to each predetermined location to pick up the donations. Along the way, they Tweet what they're up to while we livestream the event on kirotv.com.

How can I participate?

  • Donate! Drop off your donation at one of the predetermined donation stations when a new Mobile Tweetup is announced.
  • Use the hashtag #mobiletweetup from your Twitter account to spread the word about Mobile Tweetup.

When is the next Mobile Tweetup?

Dec. 11, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  at this link:  http://kiro.tv/StreamingNow