Anthony Fauci gets baseball card to commemorate first pitch at Nationals opener

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s best pitch remains in the medical field, but his errant throw before the Washington Nationals’ home opener Thursday night has now been immortalized on a baseball card.

Fauci’s pitch was way outside, but Topps nevertheless honored the nation’s top infectious disease expert with a card Friday, ESPN reported. The card front pictured Fauci on the mound, preparing to deliver the pitch. Fauci was wearing a Nationals face covering as he strolled to the mound.

The card did not show where the ball landed -- far away from home plate.

The Topps Now card has already been sold out, as was available from the trading card company’s website for 24 hours.

“It went in the wrong direction,” Fauci told The Washington Post on Friday. “I joked around after and said I used to be a shortstop when I played ball as a young boy and I thought I was supposed to throw to first base.”

Topps Now cards “celebrates the greatest moments in sports and entertainment,” the company said on its website. All Topps Now cards have a limited sale shelf life, as cards are produced daily and are available for 24 hours. Topps announced that 51,512 Fauci cards were purchased for $9.99 apiece.