President Trump calls for CNN boycott after network refuses White House Christmas party invite

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President Donald Trump has made it clear that he's no fan of CNN, but the feud between Trump and the network may have moved to a whole new level.

Politico reported that the network is skipping the annual White House Christmas party this year.

A spokesperson indicated that the decision was influenced by Trump's constant tweeting about the network, saying, "In light of the president's continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests. We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants."

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White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded to the news by tweeting, "Christmas comes early!"

The president decided to use Sanders’ tweet to share his own thoughts on Wednesday morning.

“Great, and we should boycott Fake News CNN. Dealing with them is a total waste of time!” he said.

Just a few days prior, CNN got the last word in after the president accused the network of representing "our Nation to the WORLD very poorly."

"It's not CNN's job to represent the U.S to the world. That's yours. Our job is to report the news," network officials reminded the president.

As usual, Trump addressed the network a few days later to propose a new "contest" over Twitter: "We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me). They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!"

He's also retweeted a GIF of him beating up CNN and an image of a "Trump train" ramming through the network's logo as it tries to slow it down on the tracks.

Perhaps the most explosive showdown between Trump and CNN happened earlier this year after Trump assumed office.

In February, Trump took questions from journalists at the conclusion of a press conference. After calling on Jim Acosta, CNN's White House correspondent, Trump talked about various personal grievances against the network. Then he accused CNN of being "very fake news."