Essential oils could pose danger to pets, experts say

Experts are warning pet owners of the potential risk of essential oils to cats and dogs.

Experts say that essential oils could make pets sick, or worse.

If pet owners are using an oil diffuser in their home or putting essential oils on their pet, experts say they should make sure the oil is either diluted or of a low concentration, according to WSOC.

"Animals can have allergic reactions just like people could to any scent that is out there, or they could have GI upset that could cause stomach ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea," Dr. Angele Bice, with the Charleston Animal Society, said.

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According to the website for Veterinary Centers of America Hospitals, some symptoms of essential oil  poisoning in a dog include difficulty breathing, difficulty walking, drooling, lethargy, muscle tremors, pawing at the face, redness or burns on the skin, lips, gums or tongue and fragrance on a pet's coat, skin or in their vomit. The same symptoms may also appear in a cat.

If the oil is ingested, a pet may have diarrhea and vomiting.

Experts said that people should make sure pets have a way out of rooms in order to avoid the oils.