Burger King combines Whopper, burrito for new menu item

MIAMI — A week after Chipotle announced plans for its first burger restaurant, Burger King launches another mashup item to its menu.

Bloomberg reported that, beginning Aug. 15, the fast-food restaurant is debuting the Whopperito in restaurants across the U.S.

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Instead of a bun, it's wrapped in a tortilla and filled with beef, pickles, lettuce, tomato and onions. It is topped with queso sauce instead of mayo.

The Whopperito, as its name suggests, combines a burrito with Burger King's Whopper.

"It's certainly one of the first times that we've tapped into the Tex-Mex category," North American Burger King President Alex Macedo said. "It's one of the fastest-growing categories. Consumers like the freshness of it. They like the mix of flavors."

The fast-food restaurant has not said if the new item is intended as a competitor to Chipotle, but it would not be unlikely if so.

The Whopperito will be sold for the next three to four months at $2.99.