Interfaith Works Emergency Overnight Shelter expanding to accommodate storm needs


"The Interfaith Works Emergency Overnight Shelter is expanding to accommodate for the greater needs of our community during what might be the biggest storm we've seen in decades.

First Christian Church has opened their doors to provide emergency sanctuary tonight and during the day on Friday and Saturday. We also anticipate another overnight option for Friday and Saturday night.

With your help, we can make sure that people get the assistance and safety they need during this terrible storm. Supplies can be dropped off at First Christian Church (701 Franklin Street SE, Olympia)

We need volunteers to help us staff the shelter both day and night, prepare food, sort and distribute donations, and provide hospitality to folks impacted by the storm.

Supplies we need are....

-cup o soups

-bottled water

Other supplies:
-LED lanterns and flashlights
-dry clothes and SOCKS
-sleeping bags
-cleaning supplies
-toilet paper/paper towels

Times come when we all must step up to take care of each other, especially when our governing bodies fail to do so. Anything and everything you can do to help will be so much appreciated.

For more information and to schedule a volunteer shift, please call Rob Richards at 360.292.0565."