Seahawks fans prepare for Super Bowl parties

Renton, WA — Outside a Fred Meyer store in Renton Saturday night, Janet Ung carried green and blue balloons to her car. Jim Lin trailed behind her with a cart full of groceries.

They are used to hosting 30 or 40 people at their Super Bowl party, but Lin said, "This year because the Seahawks are in it, a lot more people said they're coming." They are now preparing for a crowd of 60 to 100.

At Dick's Sporting Goods, there's been a huge run on official Seahawks clothing. The jerseys are gone. Stacks of T-shirts have gotten much smaller.

Faith Bosna kicked off her shoe to show us how her toenails were just painted green and blue.  She said, "I got the whole garb and thought, you know what? I'm going all the way."

LaVerne Stover couldn't resist changing his hairstyle to match the pattern on a Seahawk helmet. The shave came after a conversation with his daughter.  Stover said, "She was, like, you should do it, Dad, you should do it.  I said I'll tell you what, I'll do it if they're in the Super Bowl, so there we are."

Ryan and Becka Green altered the appearance of their Renton home.  They painted the rear blue and added the number 12 in plywood to show their support for the Seahawks.  The 12th man is now clearly visible above the interchange where Interstate 405 meets Highway 167.  

Gary Ford was shopping for his grandchildren. He said, "There's about 10 percent now of what there was probably five days ago."