Oso couple credit lives to friend and two cars

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Oso, Wash. — Their bruises are slowly fading but not the memory of the calamity that upended their lives.
"It gives you a sober look at a lot of things," said Bob Aylesworth.
He and his wife, Bobbi, relived the Oso Landslide for us, their family by their side.  
"Bobbi just come up and she was putting clothes away," Bob recounted.
"And I heard a horrible noise," Bobbi said.  "And I thought 'oh, my gosh.' "
"She says 'what is that?' " Bob said.
"I thought we're having one hellacious earthquake," Bobbi said.
Suddenly, they and their house were on the move.
"I was on the bed and the bed went that-a-way and I ended up in the closet," said Bob.
Bobbi was standing.
"And I felt the force on my back," she said. "And I kinda remember swishing this way and that way.  And then I don't remember anything after that until I woke up."
She woke up to the unrecognizable landscape that had been their home for 38 years. 
"I was just really dazed and I couldn't move," Bobbi remembered.  "And I just started praying."
Incredibly, her husband was still beside her, both of them wedged between two cars that acted as shields.
"And then, all of a sudden I think, gosh, I think I hear a voice," said Bobbi.
A family friend was searching for them.
"And we hollered and he hollered," said Bob. "Wasn't two minutes he was on top of the pile, looking in the hole."
They were airlifted to the hospital with mostly bumps and bruises.
We asked why they think they survived?
"I had to," said Bobbi, smiling, holding a month old baby.  "I hadn't met my great grandson yet."
But the news is not all good.  Bobbi's mother and stepfather lived next door. Larry Gullikson is recovering at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. But his wife, Bobbi's mother, has not been found. They believe Bonnie Gullikson is dead.