Opposing rallies and a call for impeachment over Syrian refugees

OLYMPIA, Wash. — More pressure on Gov. Jay Inslee Friday to give up his stance welcoming Syrian refugees to Washington state.

One side rallied in opposition to Inslee's stand welcoming Syrian refugees, fearing terrorists could be among them.

“We need a better plan,” said opposition rally organizer Virginia Coverdale of ACT for America’s Olympia Chapter.  “Some sort of surgical extraction of the women and children but not opening up the doors to their militant faction, no.”

“My cousin's parents ran away from Mexico to escape the violence as well. Nohemi is daughter of immigrant people,” Miriam Padilla said.

The other side supports Inslee, including a cousin who was close to the only American killed in the attack, Nohemi Gonzalez.

Padilla grew emotional as she spoke of her cousin, who went to Paris to study design.

“She was trying to get that opportunity a lot of people don't have, that those refugees don't have,” she said.

On Facebook, the governor's campaign said it got more than 17,000 signatures on a petition supporting what he calls "A state that welcomes those fleeing persecution and war."

But at the rally, Spokane Republican Matt Shea called for Inslee to be impeached if he didn't withdraw his welcome to Syrian refugees.

Shea refused to stop for questions when we tried to get him to explain further.

Late Friday,Gov. Inslee released this three-page response to state senators who asked him to pause on accepting Syrian refugees.

It details the lengthy screening refugees must pass and reminds the senators that under federal law, governors have little say over accepting refugees.