Man steals canoe, calls 911 for rescue from dangerous waters

BURIEN, Wash. — During Saturday night’s dangerously high winds and stormy weather, a man in his 20’s snuck onto a person’s private beach property and stole a canoe.

Police say the man couldn’t find a paddle and decided a shovel would suffice.

The man got caught in gusting wind and had to call 911 to rescue him. He was found adrift in the Puget Sound near Seahurst.

The Coast Guard rescued the theft and brought him safely back to land, where a Burien officer awaited him.

His makeshift paddle had dropped into the water and floated away.

When the man was booked, police discovered he had two outstanding warrants for theft.

‘He may be enjoying some institutional oatmeal and powdered egg mix as you read this,’ wrote Burien police.