Woman in RV attack faces city council on homelessness

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It was just Friday that Leslie Clifton showed KIRO 7 how she was attacked by three dogs.

The dogs came from an RV parked outside her business in SoDo.

Monday, she faced the Seattle City Council as they prepared to vote on the SoDo Business Improvement District

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“I was mauled by three dogs,” she said angrily. “They took me down; they tried to kill my dog. They severed my hand, the living daylights out of my leg. I have medical bills, I have vet bills, I'm probably going to have to get an attorney. Who's there to back me?”

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This comes on the same day Mayor Jenny Durkan presented her 2019 budget at Seattle Fire Station.

“This budget also invests in effective and innovative response to our homeless crisis and we do it without raising new taxes on residents, business of this city.”

The mayor's new budget includes adding eight additional members to the navigation teams that find shelter for homeless people and shut down camps that are unsafe.

There's $250,000 for a new safe parking program.

Overall, there's $89.5 million to fight homelessness.

But with a finger still in a splint from the dog attack, Leslie Clifton wants more than additional money. She wants a new attitude from the city.

“They're putting a Band-Aid on it. That’s not what they need. They need to be kicked out of our city. Those that need help, let's get them the help. Those that don't, bye-bye."

The mayor's budget also includes money for shelter, permanent housing and to cleaning up garbage from encampments.
The increase over last year is barely 3 million dollars. But instead of some of that money coming from one-time revenue sources, all of it now comes from sustainable revenue sources.