Washington lawmaker wears Star of David in vaccine protest

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SEATTLE — Rep. Jim Walsh apologized late today for wearing a yellow Star of David while making a speech to a group called Washingtonians for Change over the weekend.  In the speech, he complained about the state-imposed restrictions to fight COVID-19.

“It’s the lockdowns that followed the COVID outbreaks. It’s the closing of churches while pot shops stay open,” he said as an audience member responded in agreement.

Inside Seattle’s Holocaust Center for Humanity, Walsh’s action draws an emotional reaction.

The center displays real yellow Stars of David worn by Holocaust survivors. Jews could be killed for not wearing them and attacked because they did.

“It strikes a chord because it trivializes loss. These people, family and friend — millions and millions of people were killed and murdered,” said Baral Family Executive Director Dee Simon.

“You were basically not treated as a human. People could spit on you. People could steal from you. People could beat you up on the streets,” Simon said.

On Facebook, Walsh called his star “an echo from history,” writing that “in this context we’re all Jews.” Walsh refused a recorded interview but said he wore the star to “emphasize our common humanity and to show solidarity with all people.”

Simon disagreed. “I think it’s a person who needs to study history. It’s not a symbol of solidarity. It’s really a symbol of discrimination. It’s a symbol of hate. It’s a symbol of identification. It’s not a symbol of solidarity,” he said.

Walsh issued his apology at the end of the day. He told KTTH Radio, “This gesture went too far.  It was offensive, and I apologize.”