Snow day or no? Here’s what Tacoma-area school officials say as a storm bears down

With snow in this week’s forecast, some might be wondering: Do schools get snow days if students are remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

The answer might come as a disappointment for kids eager for a day off.

In the event of snow, students at Tacoma Public Schools will continue remote learning as usual, according to spokesperson Dan Voelpel.

Voelpel emphasized that no decision has been made for Thursday. Friday and Monday are already non-school days for students due to a make-up day and Presidents Day holiday.

Tacoma students who are attending in-person class — right now, that’s kindergarten, preschool and first graders — will shift back to remote learning.

In preparation for any inclement weather and impacts to bus drivers, Tacoma distributed Grab N Go meal packs with two breakfasts and lunches on Wednesday. Meals can be picked up curbside from TPS middle schools or a Meals on Wheels bus stop.

The National Weather Service is forecasting 4-6 inches for Tacoma and 6-8 inches for Olympia beginning Thursday morning and lasting through Saturday. Gusty winds also are forecast.

Bethel and the Sumner-Bonney Lake school districts are also planning for remote learning if there is inclement weather.

Clover Park School District plans to follow its inclement weather protocols for all students. For example, if there is enough snow to delay opening of school buildings, that means all students and staff will start late, regardless of whether they are in person or remote. District spokesperson Leanna Albrecht said a contributing factor is that many teachers are working from school sites.

Puyallup School District spokesperson Sarah Gillispie echoed they are likely to close altogether in the event of major snow impacts as staff working on site may find it challenging to bring learning materials and equipment home quickly.

Fife School District will be operating remotely on Thursday, according to a flash alert on Wednesday. There will be no out-of-district transportation and meal runs will be postponed until Feb. 16. All regularly scheduled classes will be remote.

This story was originally published on The News Tribune.