Seattle leaders vow to fight Trump's DACA move

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SEATTLE, Wash. — At the King County Labor Council Picnic, President Donald Trump's plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program came under withering attack.

“We are going to fight every single day to resist things like deporting 800,000 young people, dreamers across this country. That is un-American, unjust and we are not going to let that happen.” said Seattle Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal to applause.

Seattle mayoral candidate Jenny Durkan has made fighting Trump directives a centerpiece of her campaign.

Thousands of DACA beneficiaries live in Washington State.

“Tomorrow, if the president says he's going to be rolling back the protections for DACA, we say not just no, we say hell no!”

“I feel really hurt and I feel really lost and scared but I’m not giving up,” said Dreamer Andrea Gonzalez

Seattle mayoral candidate Cary Moon denounced Trump’s intentions.

“It is exactly the opposite of our progressive values. It is exactly the opposite of what America stands for and we all have to stand up and resist.”

The candidates would bring different skills to the fight for DACA recipients.

Durkan, who is a former U.S. attorney said, “I can tell you right now we will not help in any program that is going to take these people from our community.”

Cary Moon, an urban planner stated, “I have deep knowledge and 20 years of advocacy and collaboration with the folks in this city to solve the problems that we're facing right now.”

Democrat Jayapal is working with Republican Dave Reichert to support the BRIDGE act protecting DACA recipients.

“We can do something wonderful for 800,000 young people across this country and not putting them at the whim of some irrational president.”

Trump may put a six-month delay on his cancellation order. Jayapal says that's plenty of time for the Republican controlled Congress to fix the DACA program.\