Santa's house now on Zillow

SEATTLE — Santa Claus's North Pole house is now on Zillow.

Worth an estimated $656, 957, the home is one of the most valuable residential properties in the Arctic.

Zillow said it calculated the value for Santa's one-of-a-kind house using comparable homes in remote locationsi and applying a "Santa premium."

Zillow said the log cabin has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and measures 2,500 square feet -- about 1,000 square feet larger than the average U.S. home. It sits on a unique, 25-acre lot in the North Pole and features a river rock fireplace, a gourmet kitchen and a wood-burning stove in one of the guest suites. The property also boasts a sleigh parking garage, stables and a world-class toy workshop.

The home has never been sold and is not on the market.

To see Santa's home, follow this link on Visitors can flip through a photo gallery watch a video walkthrough.

Meanwhile, kids (and adults) can start following Santa's Christmas Eve trek using the Official NORAD Santa Tracker from Santa's home detail page on Zillow.

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