Puyallup elementary students to return to in-person learning in coming weeks

The Puyallup School District released an anticipated schedule Wednesday for students up to sixth grade to return to in-person instruction.

All grades will follow a hybrid schedule of two days in the classroom and three days of virtual learning. Students will be divided into Group A and Group B with alternating schedules.

The scheduled return is:

The state released more defined recommendations, like defining “small groups” as groups of 15 or less and updated guidelines on reopening schools by relaxing metrics.

  • Jan. 12: Grades K-1
  • Jan. 26: Grades 2-3
  • Feb. 9: Grades 4-6 (does not include 6th grade students at Edgemont Junior High)

The district cited new state guidelines in its announced schedule.

The guidelines previously recommended schools within counties that have 75 or more COVID-19 cases per 100,000 over a 14-day period stay in remote learning. The update in November changes that to 200 cases per 100,000 residents.

The district has prepared for students’ return with new public health safety practices like social distancing, required masks and lunch in the classrooms.

Younger students and students in special education are expected to see more days in the classroom soon.

“Extending in-person learning for our most vulnerable learners is a top focus,” the district said in a statement to families.

Kindergarten and first grade students will return Jan. 12 two days a week, increase to four days a week on Jan. 26, and potentially return to full week in-person learning on Feb. 16, the district said.

On Jan. 12, special education will have four days a week and move to full week in-person learning by Feb. 16.

Secondary students’ return will be based on success of health and safety protocols, the district said.

This story was originally published on The News Tribune