Metro launches permits for carpool spots at park-and-ride lots

SEATTLE — King County Metro has a new system aimed at making it easier to find spaces at park-and-rides.

Starting Wednesday, Metro put signs up to remind drivers that if they want to use a carpool spot, they will now need a permit.

The new pilot program will be enforced at six of the busiest park-and-rides in the area including Northgate, Redmond, South Kirkland, Eastgate, South Renton and the Issaquah Highlands.

Until now, parking in the carpool spaces was based on an honor system.

Drivers who carpool with at least one other person can apply for a permit and have to get into the parking lots between 4 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

Metro Transit’s carpool permit is free, unlike a similar program at Sound Transit lots, which costs $5 a month.

There will be an enforcement officer at the park-and-rides who will ensure that cars parking in the spots have a permit sticker.