KIRO 7 tags along for WSP's Thanksgiving emphasis patrol

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Drivers hitting the roads this holiday weekend can expect to see more troopers.

Washington State Patrol kicked off their holiday emphasis patrol Thursday.

KIRO 7 went on a ride-along with Trooper Matt Rogers.

Driver Rick Johnson got a warning after coasting through a red light.

There may be fewer cars on the roads on Thanksgiving, but officers are still staying busy.

He’s thankful for officers who are out on the roads, enforcing WSP’s holiday emphasis patrol.

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Johnson has a message for fellow drivers.

“Don’t drink and drive,” he said. “You’re going to hurt somebody. How are you going to feel after you hurt somebody?”

More people drink and drive during the holidays.

Trooper Rogers has responded to terrible tragedies.

“No one should have their life cut short due to someone else’s horrible decisions,” he said.

This holiday, he’s watching for speeding cars, distracted drivers, and erratic lane changes, which are all dangerous signs of impaired driving.

“It’s extremely important that people are driving sober so they can get to their destination safely so they can celebrate the holidays we have this season with their friends and family,” said Trooper Rogers.

WSP’s emphasis patrol runs through Dec. 1.

If you see dangerous drivers on the roads, call 9-1-1.