Food trucks, games, music welcome workers back to downtown Seattle

SEATTLE — Workers returning to in-person jobs in downtown Seattle following the pandemic will find food trucks, live music and activities at downtown parks.

Last week, downtown Seattle averaged 78,430 daily visits from workers. The Downtown Seattle Association said that’s the highest number since the beginning of the pandemic.

Workers can look forward to a monthly Food Truck Fest at Westlake Park. The first event kicked off last month and brought hundreds of hungry customers to the park.

The food trucks will be in the park at the end of each month through September. An extra date will be scheduled for MLB All-Star Week on Saturday, Jul. 8.

The next one is Wednesday, May 24, and will have five trucks that will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Buskers will provide live music every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

At Occidental Square, buskers will have happy hour shows with live music starting at 4 p.m. every Wednesday through September.

If you want to play free games - including ping pong, cornhole, chess, and Connect Four - they will be available throughout the day at both Occidental and Westlake parks.

And did you know that 31% of downtown residents and many downtown workers own dogs?

That’s the reason DSA is also hosting Downtown Dog Days in four downtown parks through September. You can shop for items at dog-friendly shops and meet other dog owners at the event.

Dates and locations:

  • June 10: Occidental Square
  • July 14: Bell Street Park
  • Aug. 11: Westlake Park
  • Sept. 8: Occidental Square

After the work week is over and you want to include the kids in some fun downtown, there are free craft sessions in Westlake Park on some Saturdays. Find more information here.

Find a full list of DSA’s events at this link.