Crews start repaving Highway 99 in Seattle for first time in 19 years

SEATTLE — WSDOT crews started a two-year project Monday, repaving Highway 99 in Seattle for the first time in 19 years. The work covers 99 from Roy Street in Lower Queen Anne to 145th Street in Seattle.

WSDOT officials say some 40,000 cars a day use the stretch of Highway 99, and road strain has exploded with Seattle's population growth.

"It's more like small nicks that tears up the roads here and there, which throws debris out all over the place. It creates more work for us with rocks and dirt kicked up," Shane Anderson with Speedy Glass, told KIRO 7's Rob Munoz Monday.

Crews are expected to remove old asphalt and repave the 7.58-mile stretch while also rebuilding/adding dozens of pedestrian ramps.

Tonight on KIRO 7 News at 5, why Anderson says the closures for the nearly $17 million project could negatively affect customers. Watch on TV or here

Click here for more information from WSDOT on the project and for what drivers should expect for road closures.

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