Caught on camera: Suspect flees Tukwila police after gun threat

TUKWILA, Wash. — On Wednesday the Tukwila Police Department released dash and body camera video of a pursuit that occurred earlier this month after a threat with a firearm.

Just after 2 p.m. April 5, Tukwila police responded after a victim said a man had pointed a gun at him in the 15900 block of West Valley Highway. After the altercation the suspect drove away.

Officers found the vehicle, and the suspect fled.

During the pursuit the suspect crashed into several other cars and got stuck at a Chevron parking lot on West Valley highway. He then took off running.

The King County Guardian one helicopter crew later spotted him in some nearby bushes.

As police approached, he said, “I did a bunch of Fentanyl.” Police believe he said this to avoid being taken to jail.

He did not avoid jail.

The man had a number of outstanding warrants including failure to register as a sex offender, department of corrections escape and vehicle theft.

He now faces many new charges including second degree assault, felony eluding and hit and run. He was medically cleared before being booked.