Bothell's revitalization taking another step forward

Bothell will break ground Thursday on the last phase of its $25 million revitalization project downtown.

The goal is to join new development on the west side of Bothell Way with the historic core on the east side.

The west side development includes a new city hall, new housing units and the new McMenamins resort.

"We measure our success in terms of the dollars that we've spent.  We’ve attracted over $300 million in private capital in just a few short years of the city's actions,” said Stowe.

In 2015, City Manager Bob Stowe told KIRO 7 the money spent is an investment.

Bothell's city manager says all the development began when the city bought 25 acres of property in the downtown core.

The city has seen an 18 percent increase in population since 2000.