‘Beauty burglar' steals odd items from Belltown salon

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SEATTLE — A burglar broke into a Belltown salon, made himself comfortable, and spent hours stealing merchandise, some of which may be hard to sell.

When workers at the Collage Salon saw surveillance of the burglar smoking a cigarette while he tore the place apart, the first thing they noticed was that he was not a client because he was not stylish.

“He was wearing mom jeans, really bad tennis shoes and a funky hat,” said Lisa Faber of Collage Salon.

“(I) came in and noticed all the products were missing off the shelves,” said Faber.

At one point, the thief took the time to put on a cape stylists use for cutting hair, while he left the place in shambles. Workers couldn't believe what he'd done.

He pilfered through the desk, stealing cash and computers worth $8,000.

“The front desk had totally been gutted. Everything (was) thrown all over the floor,” said Faber.

But what he stole from the shelves really surprised workers.

“He took the strangest things,” said Faber.

The burglar grabbed all the wax used for hair removal and a lot of other items.

“Fingernail polish and artificial eyelashes and eyebrow-growing serum and used hair products,” said Faber.

More $7,000 worth of unique, high-end products were loaded in the laundry hampers and went out the door.

How the burglar he got into the salon, through a very small opening, was also surprising.

“He had cut through the chain link fence and had broken in a little bitty vent at the bottom of the door, kicked it in, and then crawled through it,” said Faber.

Workers said before the burglar left, he left a note folded into a paper airplane. It read, "(expletive) happens. You'll land on your feet."

A West Seattle salon was also burglarized in May. Police don't know if the two burglaries are related.