Attempted robbery at a Shoreline espresso stand

SHORELINE, Wash. — An attempted armed robbery at a Shoreline espresso stand on Thursday has employees and neighbors worried and on the lookout for the suspect's white four door car.

Around 10:30 a.m., just after the morning rush, the car pulled up to Gourmet Latte in Shoreline and the man inside ordered a drink.

Barista Jenni Claar said she didn't think anything was out of the ordinary. She said she had turned around to make the drink when she heard the man say something. She turned back to the window and was stunned to see a gun pointing in her direction.

"I just thought, 'That guy is pointing a gun and you need to get out of the way,'" said Claar.

Surveillance video showed her quick reaction as she steps back. The man demanded the money from the till, but Claar was instantly reaching for the silent alarm button near the register.

"I had no intentions of giving him the money because I didn't want to walk toward that gun," said Claar.

Claar added that she was thinking of her husband and kids in the moments after the incident.

Because of the sunlight streaming through the windows, it's hard to see the robber in the video, but he's described as a white, clean cut male in his early 20s driving a white Chevy Malibu.

After the incident, other local coffee stand owners are on the lookout. Karen, who owns Dish Relich said deputies warned her Thursday afternoon.

Police arrived in minutes and said the man and his car fit a similar description to the one given after a tanning salon robbery Wednesday in Edmonds.

"When they told me it was super scary. I think about it a lot because were here early in the morning, we're opening up, there's nobody around.  You never know who can pull in, " she said. 

Claar didn't go back to the window and the armed robber sped off empty handed.