Anti-fireworks signs appear in Seattle neighborhood

SEATTLE — A mystery sign maker is stirring up controversy in Magnolia.

Signs popped up this week encouraging neighbors to “turn in” other neighbors who set off fireworks.  All fireworks are illegal in Seattle City limits.

The sign reads, “Neighbors don’t let Neighbors shoot ILLEGAL fireworks in Magnolia! HELP STOP the MADNESS! Grab your camera; videotape the perps; and CALL THE POLICE! Do it for the pets, infants, elderly and ill. Do it b/c Fireworks are ILLEGAL! If YOU don’t stop it, who will? No one. Be a good neighbor! Thank you so much!”

Residents seemed split on the issue.

The signs are posted on telephone poles throughout the area.

Roger, who lives near one of the signs, said “I wouldn’t turn in my neighbor to be honest with you.” He does admit people should know better, “They know the rules but they’re going to break them anyway because they want to shoot them off.” Roger is a big fan of the holiday, even naming two of his dogs for it, they are firecracker and sparkler.

Cameron Hasslinger says he would report a neighbor, “Absolutely. There’s going to be no jail time. You’re not going to be putting on an orange jumpsuit for this.”

But according to Seattle Police you could; if you’re caught with fireworks you could spend up to 1 year in jail, or have to pay up to a $5,000 fine.

Seattle Police don’t want residents calling 911 to report illegal fireworks. It would flood the system. Instead they’re asking people to call their non-emergency number, 206-625-5011.

Besides the noise, it’s the fire risk that has residents worried. Kelly Kellenberger has concerns over his roof, “When we go up there to clean up after the Fourth of July we find them on the roof.”

The fire danger is heightened due to recent hot weather.

In areas of unincorporated King County where fireworks are not banned, emergency crews are gearing up.

Eastside Fire and Rescue will start patrols on Wednesday. The warm weather has created so much dry brush; there is big concern over brush fires.  “We have a lot of area that is still open space, certainly if you were to have a brush fire, homes are very close.” said Josie Williams of Eastside Fire and Rescue.