91K Apple Health medicaid clients notified of data breach

The Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) discovered that the personal identification information and private health information of more than 91,000 Apple Health (Medicaid) clients was handled improperly by a HCA employee.

HCA is sending a notification letter to clients on Tuesday affected by the breach.

The information includes clients’ Social Security numbers, dates of birth, Apple Health client ID numbers and private health information.

Because the investigation could not confirm that the data stayed within the state’s systems, it was determined there was a breach of protected data, requiring client notification.

According to the press release, an Apple Health employee needed help with spreadsheets that contained patient information. That person sent the data to another employee which was in violation of federal patient privacy laws. The breach was discovered in the course of a whistleblower investigation into misuse of state resources. Both employees were fired.

“While we have no indication that the client files went beyond the two individuals involved. Important privacy laws were violated and we are exercising caution and due diligence given the nature of the information,” Dotson said.

<a href="http://jessejones.com/story/apple-health-data-breach-impact-91000-clients/">Here are some steps to take if you've been impacted via Jesse Jones. </a>

Both individuals’ employment has been terminated.