KIRO 7 is giving away an Amazon Echo!

KIRO 7 is giving away an Amazon Echo!

A new winner will be picked each week for the next six weeks. You can enter every day on the KIRO 7 Facebook page for your chance to win!

But what if you already have an Alexa app and want to enable the KIRO 7 Alexa Flash Briefing? Here are the steps:

-          Open the app

-          Download the Alexa app

-          Access the sliding menu

-          Select settings

-          Select flash briefings

-          Get flash briefings

-          Search for KIRO 7

-          Enable KIRO 7

Then to put KIRO 7 at the top of your flash briefings, do the following:

-          Use the edit order button in the Alexa app

-          Slide KIRO 7 up

-          Click done on the top right

Then you're all set! To see the step-by-step guide with graphics, use this link.