
Businesses to discuss statewide minimum wage hike

BELLEVUE, Wash. — Now that voters will have a say on a statewide minimum wage hike this November, groups are forming to try to sell the idea to local businesses.

A round table discussion put on by the Yes on 1433 Campaign is planned for Tuesday.

A group of small business owners are holding a Q & A with reporters to explain why they support the minimum wage increase.

In Bellevue, there was some pushback when the $15 an hour movement came across from Seattle and staged a demonstration downtown, outside Jack in the Box and other businesses.

In September of 2014, they marched across I-90 to the Eastside. The group of activists were coming off big victories in Seattle and SeaTac, and had their sights set on a $15 dollar statewide minimum wage.

Initiative 1433 falls a little short of that, but it would increase the minimum wage to $13.50 over the next four years.

The current minimum wage is $9.47 an hour.

I-1433 would also provide paid sick leave to employees.

The measure needed 246,000 signatures to make it on the November ballot. That mark was reached last month, and now, the PR campaign is kicking into high gear.

KIRO 7 will be at that round table discussion Tuesday at noon.

Backers say they have key endorsements from local and statewide business groups.

We'll give you a look at both sides of the issue.