
Bellevue launches Adopt-A-Street program, hopes to encourage community action

Bellevue launches Adopt-A-Street program (City of Bellevue)

BELLEVUE, Wash. — On Wednesday, the City of Bellevue launched the Adopt-A-Street program in hopes of getting the community to take part in the cleanliness of the city actively.

The program, part of Keep Bellevue Beautiful, partners with community members to keep a safe and clean city.

The program will engage with individuals, families, and businesses who live, work and play in Bellevue to adopt a street and do street clean-ups four times a year.

The goal of the city is to get the community to commit at least two years to their street of choice.

Armed with safety vests, gloves, trash bags and litter grabbers, trash collected will be hauled away by Republic Services for free.

The city said that in the past 12 months, more than 500 community volunteers have collected and removed over 300 bags of trash from the street.

The goal is to have a direct hand in contributing to a healthier environment.