
Semi carrying 22.5 tons of bananas overturns in Skagit Co.

BOW, Wash. — A semi carrying a load of bananas overturned Sunday afternoon in Skagit County near Bow, Wash.




No injuries were sustained as a result of the crash. Southbound I-5 lanes at the Alger exit were fully blocked as the semi was towed away.

Officials expected the closure to last around two hours; it started at 1:20 p.m.

By 3:45 p.m., the bananas had been cleaned up. Sgt. Mark Francis said the "tricky part" was righting the semi, wedged between two guardrails.

SB I-5 had reopened following the crash, by 3:50 p.m.

The semi was carrying 45,000 pounds of bananas.

"A lot of help was needed," Sgt. Mark Francis wrote over Twitter.

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